BATIKS Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics

Quilt with beautiful Batik.

Girls in the Garden Update


We have been busy getting all of the Girls In the Garden Patterns online.

Also the Girls In the Garden individual kits are online.

They should ship in mid to late March.

Or, you can sign up for our Wallhanging of the Month and get one of the Girls each month for four months.

The kits include fabric, borders, binding, and pattern.

The Girls in the Garden Wallhanging of the Month starts in April.  What fun!

You can comment on all five shop’s pages to be entered to win Pat Sloan’s Girls in the Garden Patterns.

Batiks Etcetera’s Blog Today’s Question:  Gardens have color themes.

What is your favorite?  Real or Imaginary?

I like when my garden is a riot of purple and yellow.

It hits that combination in the Spring with Iris and late Daffodils.

Then in summer with Russian Sage, yarrow, and black eyed Susan.

In the fall the asters, butterfly verbena, and mums supply the color combo.

Enter a comment at the four other participating shops.

We are all different and offer great products.

Check out everybody.

Kelly Ann’s Quilting Blog

Quilt Bug’s facebook page

Fabric Depot’s facebook page

Pumpkin Patch Primitives’ Blog

19 thoughts on “Girls in the Garden Update

  1. Reds! I love all the different types of red hibiscus in my hibiscus garden. I have it in my front yard and everyone who walks by love them; this I know because they disappear. That’s very ok with me–I know they are walking with a flower in their hair and feeling lovely. Also love the different colors of plumeria; so fragrant.

  2. Red, yellow & white are the favorites. But I love all flowers. Some weeds are beautiful as well.

  3. Love all flowers – but especailly bright red and deep purple with lavendar! Add a spash of yellow and tiny speck of orange — love it all!

  4. Ava’s winter garden reminds me most of the colors in my garden. The holly bushes are loaded with bright red berries and the cardinals add another splash of red. Fun to enjoy in these cold, dreary days.

  5. I love Purples and Reds the most – the four wall hangings are very nice. I can’t decide If I like the one with the bird house or cardinals the best.

  6. I love these patterns. Pat Sloan is speaking at our quilt guild this evening. It will be wonderful.

  7. I love flower quilts! As for color the more bright colors the better. Just like nature.

  8. All the colors! Why limit a garden to be anything less than it can be? Just an explosion of color is wonderful.

  9. All flowers are amazing and the creatures that keep them amazing! I got to say I love the red cardinals the best!

  10. I especially like reds in my flower garden. But as a quilter, I just love color!

  11. cute, cute, cute!

  12. I would like to have multi colored garden. Lots of colors and like of different kinds of flowers.

  13. Pink and Purple- Real = it’s so happy and cheerful! 🙂 One time I grew some pretty zinnia’s = they were pink and white! They smile at you every day.
    Real colors in a real garden.
    Petunia, Zinnia, and Pansy
    Girly flowers
    Cathy Byrd

  14. I love a garden full of color. Fuschia, Purple. Yellow, Blue, and Red.

  15. All the colors of the color wheel make the best variety garden.

  16. I love the patterns. Thank you for the chance to win!

  17. I love the blues and purples.

  18. I like to have a variety of color in my gardens but, I seem to have more purple/lavender and yellows than anything else. I guess color doesn’t matter so much to me if it attracts hummingbirds! 🙂 Thank you for this chance to win! Good luck everyone!!

  19. I like a variety of colors but love yellows and reds

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